Cancellation before dispatch
If you want to make any changes once you have placed your order but before your products have been dispatched (including cancelling your order or part of it) please let us know as soon as possible. We will try to make the change for you, but if the product is dispatched before we are able to make the change then you may need to return the product.
If a refund is due, we will make the refund within 14 days using the same payment method you used to pay for the products.

Cancellation if you change your mind after dispatch
You have the right to cancel this contract within 30 days of receiving the products without giving any reason. To do so you must inform us by a clear statement (for example, a letter sent by post or an email. You must send your cancellation request before the 30 day period expires.
When you cancel, you must return the products to us at 4-6 Parkside, Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 3SQ within 30 days. You are responsible for the cost of return postage. Once we receive the products back from you, or evidence that you have returned them, we will refund you within 14 days, using the same payment method you used to pay for the products.
You will receive a full refund on the amount you paid for the products and for the delivery of the products to you unless:
• You have used the products in a way that goes beyond what would be necessary to generally examine them on receipt and check their features and functionality (in a way that is more than you would be allowed to examine the products in a shop), in which case we may make a reasonable deduction from the refund to take account of the loss in value of the products as a result of that use.
• You selected a premium postage option, in which case you will only receive reimbursement to the value of the products plus the basic delivery charge.

Cancellation if there is a problem with a product
If a product that you purchase is not of satisfactory quality, not fit for the purpose for which it would usually be used or a purpose that you told us you would be using it for before you placed your order or does not meet the description given on our website, you may reject the affected product within 30 days of receipt.
If you do not reject the product within 30 days, you may still reject it for up to six months after delivery provided that you first give us the chance to repair or replace the product and we are unable to do so. 
You may also be able to reject the product later than six months after it was delivered if you can prove that there was a problem present when it was delivered. All items must be returned within 30 days of the return being accepted. Please see the Citizens Advice website or call 03454 04 05 06 for more information (Citizens Advice is an independent organisation and we are not affiliated with them in any way).
Where you reject the product because of a problem, you must return it to us but we will reimburse your reasonable costs of doing so. If the return is within six months of receipt of the product you will be entitled to a full refund of the price of the product and the delivery charges. The refund may be lower if you reject the product later than this. The refund may also be lower if we pay for the shipping back and the item is deemed not faulty or the return reason not correct. This would be a straight £10 deduction from the refund. The refund will be made within 14 days of us agreeing that you are entitled to it.
Certain of our products may also have a manufacturer's guarantee which requires you to contact the manufacturer direct. Please follow the procedure set out in the manufacturer's guarantee.

Cancellation for any other reason
The above paragraphs describe the cancellation rights that we offer and we will generally not be able to accept the cancellation of your order or the return of products other than in the circumstances described in those paragraphs. However, nothing in these terms is intended to override your ordinary legal rights and we will comply with our legal obligations to accept returns and issue refunds where otherwise required by law (for example product recalls).

Warranty starts from date of receipt and last for 12 months unless otherwise stated within the product page

Although we will normally be able to do so, we cannot guarantee to accept all orders placed via the website. You will receive an email confirming your order, but please be aware that this is generated automatically and does not mean that we have been able to accept your order. You should only consider your order to have been accepted once you receive an email confirming that your products have been dispatched.

We may occasionally be unable to accept orders for various reasons, for example because a product is out of stock or there was an error in the advertised price or description. If this is the case, we will let you know and, where possible, we will discuss other options with you, for example alternative products that may be available or the option of purchasing the product at the correct price.

We may also cancel your order after dispatch if we are unable to deliver the product to you and you fail to make arrangements for re-delivery within 30 days as described within paragraph 6.10. In this case we will give you a full refund within 14 days of the date on which we cancel your order.

If you have any queries about the website, your order or our products, please call 033 33 55 33 99 or by emailing us at and we will do our best to help you.

We work hard to ensure that all of our customers are satisfied with the service and the products that they receive. In the unlikely event that you do experience a problem with your order, please let us know by calling 033 33 55 33 99 or by emailing us at

Defective or wrong product supplied
We have a legal responsibility to supply products that are in conformance with our contract with you. Where there is a problem with a product you receive, please contact us using the details set out above and we will discuss your options with you so that we can put things right, including repairing the defective product, replacing it or giving you a refund.
We will check any products that are returned (either for a repair, replacement or refund) to verify the information that you have provided and identify the problem. If we are unable to identify any problem with the product, or we believe that the damage was caused by misuse or otherwise was not present when the product was delivered to you we reserve the right to refuse to accept the return and to return the product to you at your cost. .

We take all complaints seriously. If we receive a complaint from you it will be reviewed by our customer care team who will respond to you within 28 days. If you are dissatisfied with this response you may request that your complaint be escalated, in which case it will be passed to a senior person in our business who will review your complaint and the initial response and provide a further response within 28 days of your request to escalate the matter.

Online Dispute Resolution service
If we are unable to resolve your complaint you may wish to submit a complaint via the Online Dispute Resolution service (see This is an independent portal provided by the European Union. We are not currently a member of any Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) schemes, but we will consider whether ADR is an appropriate method of resolving a dispute with you if we are unable to resolve it through our complaints procedure.

Other legal remedies
We take our legal responsibilities very seriously and have prepared these terms and conditions in accordance with your legal rights. The options described above are intended to describe or be in addition to your normal legal remedies and nothing in these terms will override or exclude any of your legal rights.

Limits of our responsibility
We are not responsible to you for the following types of loss or damage:
• Loss or damage of a kind that we could not reasonably have foreseen.
• Loss or damage arising out of use of the product for commercial, business or re-sale purposes.
• Loss or damage which results from you misusing the product.
• Loss or damage arising from wear or tear or otherwise from damage to a product arising after the time when it was delivered (except where that damage is caused by a problem which was present at the time it was delivered and reported within 48hrs).
However, nothing in this paragraph or otherwise in these terms is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, for breach of your legal rights in relation to the products, for defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 or otherwise where we are not permitted to limit or exclude our liability by law.